It’s official the Tenant Fee ban is coming into effect for any tenancies starting on or after 1st June 2019. In our blog back in January, we discussed what we knew so far on the upcoming ban in our blog, and largely not much has changed. Read on to find out about the new legisltion and how it may impact you.

Seeing as its National Gardening Week, and summer is (hopefully!) just around the corner, this month’s blog post is dedicated to rental properties with a garden. A garden is usually at the top of many people’s wish list when it comes to renting a property, but even the most green-fingered tenants sometimes just don’t have the time or energy to care for a garden the way a landlord would want it to be cared for. A garden can therefore become a bit of a sticky issue if it’s not clear who’s responsibility it is to maintain it.

Its Mollie here! This month’s blog post has been left in my very capable hands. You may have run into me during the two weeks I spent at Aquarius Homes completing my work placement. Away from the world of property I am undertaking a college course in Civil Service and aim to work for the Police eventually. I chose to do my work placement at Aquarius Homes as:

  1.  I thought it would be an interesting career to explore and as they are an independent company specialising in the area, I thought why not work at the best.
  2.  I already knew the team and they were happy to take me on!

So, read on to see what I got up to and learnt during my time with Aquarius Homes….

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial obligations any of us will make in our lives, and even renting a home costs a large sum of money, so the decision of which property to choose is an important one. In our previous month’s blog post we explored our top tips for viewing a property to ensure you are gathering all the information you need. This month we explore how to utilise this knowledge into being confident you have found the house that will become your home, and the psychology behind the decision making process of finding that dream home.


You’ve trawled through the property websites, contacted the agent, arranged a time, and you’re ready to view what you think will be your dream home…but are you? Viewing a property may seem simple, but often people come away only remembering their favourite details about a property. Follow these top tips to ensure you’re equipped for every viewing.

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