The Electrical Safety Standards in The Private Rented Sector 2020 (England) Regulations came into force for all new tenancies from 1st July 2020. The regulations mandated that landlords had to ensure that all fixed electrical installations are safe, fit for purpose, and maintained correctly. From 1st April 2021, these rules also apply to all existing residential tenancies, so for any landlords that don’t yet have your checks in place, you need to get these booked in ASAP!



Scandinavian interiors have long-been adored across the globe for their neutral, minimal, and simple design aesthetic. However, with all such long-lasting styles, Scandi design is experiencing a revolution, bringing with it new dramatic tones, bold colours and statement textures. This moodier twist on Scandi style is know as ‘New Nordic’, and whilst it brings more dimension to the classic design, this isn’t at the expense of the regions core values – namely high-quality production and sustainability. So, if you’re excited about venturing to the dark side of Scandi style, read our tips on how to nail the latest interior design trend.


In September, the Government launched their new £2 billion scheme to encourage homeowners to make their homes more energy efficient. The Green Homes Grant has now been extended to the end of March 2022 following the popularity of the scheme, so there’s still plenty of opportunity to benefit from it.


You’ve spent ages trawling the property portals to find your dream home, worked through the massive slog of paperwork to get it, and its finally time to pick up the keys. Now all that’s left to do is move-in - easy right? Well I’m here to dash you’re dreams and tell you that’s not the case, because no matter how organised you are, the sheer multitude of things you need to update your address on these days is overwhelming. To help out, we’ve compiled a checklist of who you need to inform with your brand spanking new address.

Biophilic interiors are the undisputed design trend of 2020, and whilst you may not have heard of the term, the basic principle is to bring nature into your home. ‘Biophilia’ meaning ‘love of nature’ suggests that humans have a genetic connection to natural settings, and seeing as our access to the outside world has been somewhat limited this year, it’s no surprise people have jumped so heavily towards this design philosophy.

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